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Nacido en Almonte, Canadá (1976), con la influencia de sus estudios en el departamento de diseño de textiles en el Colegio Sheridan, en Oakville, Canadá, su carrera de pintura comenzó después de graduarse en el año 1999. Su periplo de vida por Canadá, México, Alemania y Ecuador, ha provocado la evolución de su pintura. La teoría y aplicación del arte conceptual es su género predilecto.  

Después de salir de su país natal, se considera extranjero en cualquier lugar, sin que pueda llamar a ninguno como su propio “hogar”. Los cambios constantes le han forzado a adaptar en forma drástica sus perspectivas de la vida. Su percepción de la gente, de los diversos lugares y situaciones que se le presentan, lo ha llevado a investigar y reeducarse constantemente.

A Daniel le gusta observar a las personas, su andar y su modo de hablar; se siente imbuido en sus propias vidas. El ambiente, la luz y el sonido que rodean nuestras vidas conducen su proceso creativo hacia nuevos retos. Los contrastes de multicapas le motiva las decisiones de pintar con un factor del hecho versus la ficción. Su obra se ha exhibido en Ottawa, Toronto, Berlín, Quito y Ciudad de México. Vive y trabaja en la Ciudad de México desde 2018.

With the influence of his studies in the department of textiles design at Sheridan College, located in Oakville, Canada, his career began shortly after graduating in 1999. The experiences of having lived in the art worlds of: Toronto, Ottawa, Mexico City, Berlin and Quito have formed the evolution of his painting series. The theory and application of conceptual art is his preferred genre.

Everyday occurrences such as a person walking or talking, being absorbed within their own world is a fascinating experience. The atmosphere of light and sound that surrounds our lives allows the thought process to proceed into new and exciting struggles. This constant evolution provides many different sides to a personal perspective of vision and ideas. These multi-contrasts motivate such decisions to paint with a “fact versus fiction-based” initiative.

Daniel Lavoie, Canadian born (1976), is a foreigner or, shall we say, is a person without one single location to call home. He left his home country over 15 years ago and feels as if he truly doesn’t belong to one place. Constant change has forced his personal perspectives of life and therefore provides a creative struggle to make optimistic changes within his own life. People, places and things under a sensation of hypertension drive him to investigate and re-invent himself on a perpetual basis.
Daniel has been living and working in Mexico City since 2018.


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